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Mr. Lu was Invited to the Openning Ceremony of Exhibition "Chengdu CHENGDU”

The "Chengdu CHENGDU" exhibition, co-curated by A4 Art Museum and A8 Design Center, was officially inaugurated on December 16, 2023, at A4 Art Museum in Luzhen. "Chengdu CHENGDU" focuses on creators native to Chengdu and their produced content, covering a variety of domains including poets, musicians, artists, architects, and creative industry practitioners.

For this particular exhibit, the organizers commissioned eight art curators and six architects to coalesce in the design of the exhibition space. MUDA-Architects was privileged to be enlisted as the exhibition designer, collaborating with curators Lan Qingwei and Shi Yizhi to craft the "Classic"(Changlang)and "The Monsatery" sections for the audience.

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